Smithsonian Institution

The Smithsonian Institution is comprised of many of the best attractions for educational student tours to Washington DC.

The Institution was founded by the inheritance of James Smithson, which he bequeathed to the United States asking the money be spent to begin an institution dedicated to the spread and increase of knowledge. What has resulted today equals more than nineteen facilities devoted to just that. Museums, a zoo, research facilities, art galleries, and educational centers showcase everything we’ve learned and everything we are learning about every subject under the sun and every subject beyond.

Many Smithsonian museums are located in Washington DC, most of them along the National Mall – itself a reason to visit the nation’s capital. These museums are the perfect choice for any school tour itinerary. Admission is free, so any group will want to include as many as possible in their itinerary. Of course, consider the depth of learning available in each one and be sure to leave your group plenty of time to explore.  You can find a museum for every type of interest. These are a few of the most popular.

Air and Space

This Smithsonian museum calls itself the most popular museum in the world. You’ll certainly find the crowds there to support the claim. However, this is one of the largest and most spacious of the Smithsonian museums, so there is plenty of room for everyone. The size is the first overwhelming thing about the Air & Space Museum. You won’t know where to begin as you face larger-than-life exhibits on flight and space exploration throughout world history. You’ll find more air and spacecraft here than in any other museum – some you can even walk inside. You’ll learn more than you ever wondered about the universe and the human journey through it. The information comes at you through literature, video, and artifacts. It’s a truly inspiring and fascinating museum.

American History

It’s only here that you can view the flag that inspired the words to the Star Spangled Banner. This awe-inspiring exhibit is only one of the thrills to the American History Museum. You’ll find many artifacts from legendary icons of our story as a nation. Abraham Lincoln’s top hat and Thomas Jefferson’s writing desk are on display here. Plus Dorothy’s ruby slippers and a classic attraction from Walt Disney World in the pop culture exhibit. Fashion from U.S. First Ladies past and present is such an extensive collection, it’s never all displayed at once. (Of course, this is true for most of the Smithsonian collections). And the largest artifact in this museum is an entire house – or most of one – with the changing decades on display in its flooring, furnishings, tools, and decor.

American Indian

A unique and beautiful building sets the stage for a museum dedicated to a subject that always fascinates but about which we can all learn so much more. The American Indian is featured here – every tribe, many cultures. The variety is showcased through art work, tools and weapons, clothing, ceremonial costumes, literature, and personal account. Live presentations are part of this amazing experience as well.

Natural History

This kind of museum is always a favorite with students, and the Smithsonian version is no exception. From the largest-known mammals and reptiles to curiously-colored gem stones, the National Museum of Natural History features the wonders of our world as we’ve discovered it so far. Butterflies and dinosaurs are equal favorites here. Creepy-crawlers and the magnificent elephant both hold our attention and a place of honor. You’ll definitely see here what fascinates you most, and you’re bound to discover something new.

This is only the beginning. The National Art Gallery is one of the newest Smithsonian facilities and offers a world of beautiful paintings and sculpture. Other art facilities are featured in the Smithsonian Institution as well. The National Zoo is always a favorite for students, and so much more. When you choose Washington DC, always include The Smithsonian.